Tales of the Earth: Landscape Architecture
66 Millbrook Crescent
Toronto, ON
M4K 1H4
E-mail: gardens@talesoftheearth.com
Principal: Dennis Winters
Lineage: Zasep Rinpoche, Song Rinpoche, Trisang Rinpoche
Practices: Chanting prayers, chanting mantras, circumambulation, meditation, making gardens and sacred landscapes
Meditation: Altruism (tonglen, etc.), breaths (counting), breaths (noticing), calming (shamatha), deity sadhana, just sitting (shikantaza), loving kindness (metta) mudra, visualization, yoga postures, walking, rowing, dragon boating, making gardens
Other activities and initiatives: Research of sacred landscapes. Making gardens for meditation and healing as requested.
Affiliated with: Gaden Choling Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Centre
Associated with: Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, American Society of Landscape Architecture
Language: English
Updated: March 2022