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Zenwest Buddhist Society

Zenwest Buddhist Society
(formerly Victoria Zen Centre)
4970 Nagle Road
Sooke, BC
V9Z 1C7

Facebook: No entries since 2019

Practices: Chanting sutras, circumambulation, commentary study, dana to sangha, discussion groups, meditation, physical labour, precepts/ordination, prostrations, retreats, sutra study
Meditation: Breaths (counting), breaths (noticing), just sitting (shikantaza), koan, lovingkindness (metta), yoga postures, walking, zazen

Public activities:
Monday & Thursday eZendo online 6-7 am
Tuesday evening Zen Open House at the University of Victoria Interfaith Chapel 7-9 pm
Buddha’s Birthday Celebration in May.
Commitment ceremonies (Jukai and or Tokudo) usually twice a year in February and August.
Orientation to Zen Buddhist Practice course, several times each year

Other activities and initiatives: Living Zen podcast available on the web, and on iTunes

International affiliations: Northwest Dharma Association

Language: English

Charity number: 119285443RR0001 Registered 1981

Listing updated: March 2022