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Waterloo Riverview Dharma Centre

Waterloo Riverview Dharma Centre
245 Labrador Drive, Unit 3
Waterloo ON
N2K 4M8


Non-resident lay teacher: Susan Child

Lineage: Ajahn Chah, Kalu Rinpoche, Dilgo Kyhentse Rinpoche, Jamyang Kyhentse Choki Lodro

Practices: Chanting sutras, chanting mantras, commentary study, dana to sangha, discussion groups, meditation, precepts, retreats, sutra study, vegetarian

Meditation: Altruism (tonglen, etc.), calming (shamatha), chi kung, dzogchen, insight (vipassana), loving kindness (metta), visualization, walking

Public activities: Weekly evening meditation groups, beginner’s courses, Sunday sittings, resource library, workshops, retreats, visiting Dharma teachers

Other activities and initiatives: The purpose of the Centre is to provide instruction and support for individuals to develop a practice of meditation and have access to the Buddhist teachings; to help individuals to integrate the skills of mindfulness, wisdom and compassion in everyday life; to practice helping, healing and generosity, in supporting both local and international humanitarian projects.

Language: English

Established: 1999

Updated: February 2022