White Wind Zen Community
Zen Centre of Ottawa
240 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K1N 6G2
E-mail: info@wwzc.org
Resident teacher: Ordained monk
Lineage: Hakukaze Stream in Dogen’s lineage of Zen. Our Abbot and Teacher is Zen Master Anzan Hoshin. His Master was Yasuda Dainen zenji.
Practices: Chanting sutras, chanting mantras, commentary study, dana to sangha, meditation, physical labour, precepts/ordination, prostrations, retreats, sutra study, other
Meditation: Chi kung, just sitting (shikantaza), koan, walking, zazen
Public activities:
Mon-Tues-Wed-Thur-Sat: Formal sittings (6-8 am) with bowing round, opening chants, zazen, kinhin (walking practice), Daruma-kata Aiki.
Mon & Thur: General/associate sittings (7:30-9:15 pm) with bowing round, chants, zazen, kinhin, daisan, practice interviews, recorded teisho or dharma talks.
Sat: General sitting (9:30-11:45 am) with bowing round, chants, zazen, kinhin, daisan, practice interviews, recorded teisho or dharma talks.
Sun: Formal sitting for monks and deshi (7-10:30 am) with bowing round, opening chants, zazen, kinhin, dokusan, daisan, recorded teisho, Daruma-kata Aiki.
Monthly: Two-day sesshin (period of intensive practice for monks and deshi). Oryoki practice for general students.
Every two months: Dharma Assembly
Four times a year (February, May, October, December): Seven-day O-sesshin. Samu Weekend (caretaking practice)
Affiliated in Canada with: Wolfville Zazenkai, Nova Scotia; Guelph Zazenkai, Ontario
Languages: English, French
Charity number: 870146727RR0001 Registered 1989
Listing updated: February 25, 2018