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Centre Zen de Montréal / Montreal Zen Center

Centre Zen de Montréal
Montreal Zen Center

824, Park Stanley
Montréal, QC
H2C 1A2


Alternate contact:

Lineage: Yasutani roshi, Philip Kapleau

Practices: Chanting prayers, meditation, retreats

Meditation: Breaths (counting), just sitting (shikantaza), koan, zazen

Public activities: Morning sittings from 6:30 to 7:30 from Monday to Friday. Evening sittings from 7:30 to 9:10 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, divided into three 30 minute periods of zazen with kinhin (walking meditation) in between. The evenings all end with chanting and 3 prostrations. Individual mentoring for new members and group meetings are offered by senior students to those who wish. Morning sittings on most Sundays from 9 to 12. Eight sesshins (retreats) are held during the year. Visiting teachers are sometimes invited. The retreats last 2,4, 5 or 7 days.

Other activities and initiatives: To become a member one must attend an introductory workshop. These are given by two senior students three times a year. Workshops are followed by Beginners’ Course which are given on Thursday evenings.

Languages: English, French

Charity number: 119045276RR0001 Registered 1981

Listing updated: February 2022