Annapolis Shambhala Meditation Group
21 Saint Anthony Street
Annapolis Royal, NS
B0S 1A0
Save-Easy Shopping Mall Office Building, 2nd floor APSG (Meeting address)
Resident teacher: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, ordained priest (Halifax, NS)
Non-resident lay teachers: Christine Sloan, Bill Shean, Nancy McCabe, Mike Hyman
Lineage: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Practices: Chanting prayers, chanting mantras, circumambulation, commentary study, discussion groups, flower arranging, meditation, precepts/ordination, retreats, classes
Meditation: Altruism (tonglen), breaths (noticing), calming (shamatha), deity sadhana, dzogchen, visualization, walking
Public activities: Sunday meditation 9 – 10:30 am with walking, chanting. Bi-weekly classes, book, video, etc. Mahamudra sadhana 2x monthly. Quarterly solstice celebrations.
Other activities and intiatives: Visiting teachers, maitri, flower arranging, tea, refuge, shambhala teachings
Affiliated in Canada and internationally with: Shambhala International
Language: English
Established: 2000
Updated: February 2022